Full Moons

Full Moons are powerful spotlights on your Unconscious!

Our hidden thoughts and feelings are more visible and could come to the forefront. Be cautious since it might get a bit intense! But you could take it as an useful chance to deepen your self-awareness and positive transformation.

What is a Full Moon?

Astrologically, the Sun represents our conscious self, identity, vitality, and outward expression, while the Moon signifies our emotions, intuition, our inconscious world.

Full Moons offer a potent chance to bridge the gap between our conscious self (Sun) and our subconscious (Moon).

During a full moon, the Sun and the Moon are in direct opposition to each other, creating a powerful astrological aligment. Oppositions could manifest several contrasting complementary psychological potentials, which could be felt as opposite and therefore, Full Moons could be felt with awareness expansion but also with tension.

Awareness of the tension during a Full Moon opposition allows you to consciously navigate and integrate the possibly opposing forces at play.

Zodiac signs are key to each Full Moon

For example, when a Full Moon occurs in Aries zodiac sign, then the Sun is in its opposite sign, Libra:

The Sun in Libra highlights a conscious focus on partnerships and harmony. On the contrary, the Moon in Aries brings to the fore the unconscious emotional needs for independence and self-affirmation. Therefore, we could strive to find a healthy psychological resolution between personal assertive autonomy and relational harmony.

Questions like: Am I taking people’s demands into consideration? Up to what point? How do I feel about it? Is it fair? Why do I feel so angry deep down? What about my own needs and authentic self?

Take your whole chart into consideration!

Each Full Moon opposition is unique!

Your entire birth chart provides a more detailed understanding of how you could be creatively experiencing these energies, your self-awareness and transformation.

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